Aithent Inspection assists the independent business chartered with enforcement of inspections and other similar examination oriented functions.
Aithent Inspection enables the independent inspector to audit the various business entities they inspect and confirm the business is meeting the requirements that have been established.
Aithent Inspection also enables inspectors to identify and document those codes and statues that are found to be in violation. Whether the need is for independent enterprises, for health examiners or building inspectors Aithent Inspection is user friendly and easy-to-use.
User friendly and easy-to-use
Audit the various business entities
Examination oriented functions
Aithent Inspection
Inspection also enables inspectors to identify and document those codes and statues that are found to be in violation.
- User friendly and easy-to-use
- Audit the various business entities
- Examination oriented functions
Assists the Independent Business Chartered
Aithent Inspection, which operates on mobile devices, enables the inspector to document all of the audit findings which may include pictures, written or voice recorded interviews, videos, written or electronic documents etc. Based on the inspector’s findings during audits recommendations are made which could affect a business’s ability to renew licenses, permits or meet other mandates.
In other types of examination oriented functions such as a Healthcare, Aithent Inspection has been deployed and is being used by the Nevada Aging and Disability Services division, who found the system to reduce the processing time for their Interpreter Registry services by 90% (percent). Aithent Inspection can be used independently as well and interface with legacy systems that an independent agency or department might have. This Aithent solution provides a secure environment to build and maintain a comprehensive data warehouse for examination oriented inspections and related enforcement activities of all types.