Aithent Complaints Manager takes care of logging the details, generating letters and reports, and also facilitates the filing of statutory reports.

Request Information

All complaints, regardless of the nature or type, can be processed using a centralized solution enabling better oversight and the ability to improve processes and train staff to reduce the volume of complaints.

Aithent Complaints Manager ensures all complaints are registered and received by the responsible individual, department, or organization to efficiently processes the complaint to resolution within the business practices of the insurance company and most importantly, to the customer’s satisfaction.


Centralized solution


Complaint to resolution


Business practices

Aithent Complaints Manager

Aithent Complaints Manager takes care of logging the details, generating letters and reports, and also facilitates the filing of statutory reports.

  • Centralized solution
  • Complaint to resolution
  • Business practices

All complaints, regardless of the nature or type, can be processed using a centralized solution enabling better oversight and the ability to improve processes and train staff to reduce the volume of complaints.

Captures and Tracks Complaints

Aithent Complaints Manager captures and tracks complaints from their initial reporting through final disposition. Multiple complaints by the same customer can be managed individually or grouped together as a single case and shared across multiple departments. All documentation is maintained and information can also be easily shared with SIUs should issues be identified for investigations.

Additionally, if an insurance enterprise also uses Aithent Case Manager within their SIU, a single platform can be leveraged reducing total cost of ownership while also empowering the investigators with the ability to seamlessly search complaints as part of their investigations. Analytics can be applied to identify patterns and automate the processing of complaints. This can help reduce overheads and allow the carrier to focus only on critical complaints.

Key Features

  • Track and manage complaints across multiple divisions and services
  • Leverage predictive and behavioral rules
  • Internal and external policies
  • Offers a complete perspective
  • Provide comprehensive customer data
  • Maintain a complete audit trail of steps taken
  • Integrate with third party systems